"I had a reiki session with another practitioner before Vicky and it wasn't the pleasantest of experiences. So I first visited Vicky for a spiritual reading which was so amazing and a little bit scary! Vicky is an amazing person, such a kind, friendly caring person, who makes you feel at ease and comfortable.
I found that Vicky also did reiki and crystal healing, so I decided to give it a go, as I suffer from depression and anxiety and stress. The healing took place in her wonderfully peaceful cabin, which is so calming and cosy. Vicky explained exactly what she was going to do. At first I was nervous due to the previous experience mentioned earlier. But I soon became relaxed, and could feel the warmth and energy. It made me feel so much better, calmer and lighter.
I was going through IVF and heard that reiki was good for getting pregnant. Vicky had several positive outcomes with IVF patients, so through my treatment I went to Vicky. The reiki treatment was unbelievably peaceful, there is beautiful music being played and you get covered with a blanket and I could have stayed there all day. Low and behold I've ended up with twins. As they were premature, I asked Vicky if she would come and give my twins reiki in their incubators to help them get stronger. It was so lovely and my babies seemed a lot more peaceful afterwards. I haven't been back to see Vicky yet as finding the time now is pretty much impossible, but as soon as I can I will be back for more reiki.
I would like to thank Vicky for all her help in my journey and would definitely recommend Vicky to everyone xxx"
"I have been visiting Vicky for a while for readings when she got me into angelic reiki this was so relaxing and totally cleared my mind and body I even introduced it to my children which they loved just as much as me...!! It was particularly helpful when I had suffered an ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage as it meant that my womb could be cleared ready to conceive I then went on to have Cole (3yrs ago) and Tia (18 months ago) throughout my pregnancy with Tia I had regular reiki sessions which meant my pregnancy was so much more relaxed I can't thank Vicky enough for all of help and support xx"

" I have never had any formal diagnosis to explain my infertility/subfertility (other than maybe erratic ovulation which may have been age related as I didn't start trying until 34.) I would fall pregnant eventually but most ended in miscarriage. Again, no medical cause could be found. I initially got interested in crystal therapy because a friend bought me a carnelian stone for Christmas to aid with fertility and I discovered I was pregnant with my daughter at the end of January!!! I gave my stone to a friend who was trying to conceive as I initially said 'never again'
After a long struggle to have a sibling, I contacted you for the pendants and then fell pregnant just a month or so later (aged 40 - I'm now 41). I was closely monitored at the hospital but all was fine and I was discharged into the normal antenatal system after my 12 week scan. I've been feeling pretty good but I don't go anywhere without my pendants. It most certainly works for me xxxx"