I run a wide variety of workshops covering all areas and aspects of healing and spiritual growth, be them one to one sessions, distance courses that you can follow at your leisure to grow naturally or understand your own unique gifts and how to utilise them daily. Understanding crystals and their amazing healing benefits .
I have channelled a unique severn step ascension course which has enabled spiritual souls to utilise their gifts daily carrying out their own readings or healing practices. Clearing chakras and past life regression are just a few courses available. I also teach angelic reiki levels one &two, and levels three & four and teacher/ practitioner level .
Helping others to realise their life purpose and to progress in areas that they are passionate about gives me a real sense of purpose and fulfilment especially knowing that they are in turn going on to help to heal, guide and nurture others.

Crystal healing is a term that applies to a certain type of therapy which involves placing gem stones on your body or in nearby places to help draw out negative energy. Crystals have existed on earth for millions of years. They're a tool which work with your energy field to absorb, focus and direct energies. I have lots of crystals of offer to my clients including a range of pendants, necklaces and bracelets.
Please send me an email if you are interested in healing crystals and I help you select the right crystals to help you.