Hi my names Vicky - welcome to my very own unique healing for clients wanting to become pregnant. To not only prepare your energy to that of a positive alignment to do so, but also to find and clear any emotional blocks or physical that could be preventing you as a couple or personally from becoming pregnant and carrying full term

My unique gifts as a medium and master teacher of the Angelic reiki healing, have led to me having my own unique programme and sessions as well as custom made packages for those wanting to become parents or pregnant.

Their can be so many reasons why couples seem to take forever to conceive a child, sometimes theirs a physical problem or complication such as a partner having a low sperm count, low egg production or eggs that are poor in quality, blockages in Fallopian tubes and other complications that would need specialist treatments along side my healing treatments. Their could be emotional blocks such as one partner being scared of becoming a parent and how it will affect their lives, you could have had children in a previous relationship which has taken its toll on you emotionally and you may have stated at some point that you weren't having any more children .... words have energy and when said with energy can literally leave a blockage.
I've had partners and couples who have been scared to have a child in case they inherit a family gene or worry if they would produce healthy children ... the list is endless and each one of you reading this passage is unique and not one pregnancy is ever the same nor are the couples . I have two lovely boys and have an 11 year age gap between them. So I have known what it's like to have a child younger and as an older mum. Both in good health and whilst having hereditary ailments to live with that came on when I was 30 years old. This is where for me the Angelic reiki came into my life (the mediumship I've always had) I really connected to and with the angelic reiki and use it daily to self heal to keep my Energy in alignment, but also to heal others.
Throughout the last three years I have been sent a lot of couples or women who have had trouble becoming pregnant and have worked with them through healing energetically and through finding emotional blocks and moving them. Some have had numerous attempts at becoming pregnant with ivf treatments, to them fall pregnant naturally, others have had the ivf treatments alongside my unique healing and have become pregnant first time after previous failures at attempts with the ivf alone . Some come for couples counselling as the pressure to conceive is or has started to affect their once harmonious relationships, others to let off steam and to talk about any concerns. I'm here every step of the way for reassurance and support and continue the healing packages throughout pregnancy and once the babies are born should you wish. I have attended 1st birthdays and shared milestones with some babies and reconnected with families once they are ready to conceive again this coming full circle. It is this reason and my passion behind this unique healing system that has helped numerous couples world wide and which is also why I have developed this website and affordable packages that don't have to cost you a mortgage.