From being a little girl, I have had the ability to connect with spirits and have always had the desire to help heal and give messages of guidance to those that I have met along the way, my grandma, aunts and mother all have and had the same gifts although each, have our own unique gifts within.
As an adult and healer, I give daily readings and guidance utilising my gifts to connect with spiritual loved ones guides and angels elements, utilising crystals, affirmations and healing techniques that I've acquired along the way, along side oracle cards . Each reading is totally unique to each client that comes for healing, a connection to a loved one or closure of what ever kind and guidance is always paramount and at the forefront of each reading .

Channelling messages comes as easily as breathing to me and I am lucky enough to have the most amazing set of guides and angels to connect with daily, my team from a spiritual perspective. If you're looking for advice, guidance, clarity and messages, then the angel, fairy and spiritual readings will help you to find that validation or support, clarity that you need, from a clairvoyant, Claire sentience and energetic perspective.
If you are interested in my angel, fairy and life purpose readings please get in touch. My readings take place in my wonderfully peaceful cabin which is a calming and cosy space to help you feel relaxed and at home.