Angelic Reiki is a safe, high frequency, multidimensional system of healing. Angelic Reiki works at a Soul level, treating the root cause of any condition, promoting very deep healing and transformation.
During a treatment, both practitioner and recipient are connected to pure divine energy through the Angelic Kingdom of Light. This allows very high vibrational energies of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers to work on the recipient to help release physical, ancestral, emotional and karmic imbalances across all time.

If we are human and we live on planet Earth, we have issues, some obvious and some unknown (even to us). Even people who seem to "have it all" and "have it together." Many of us have been traumatized since childhood. Some of us are carrying psychic baggage from failed relationships, toxic partners, etc. For each of us, it's different. Thus, we live our lives repeating unhealthy behaviors, holding onto negative thought patterns, and/or just feeling like there's got to be something we're missing.
Angelic Reiki has been handed to humanity on a silver platter, as I see it. An amazing gift! The Angels have shown us that they are available to work with us, gently yet effectively deleting our negative thinking, freeing blocked energy, getting rid of whatever does not serve us.